Had a bad week

This was a rough week for me for sure. I barely functioned during most days. I fell asleep a lot and had many appointments. I could not keep track of what I had to do or what I needed to do. I feel like I have forgotten so much and everything I meant to do is a life time away. I have this impending feeling of doom as if there are so many important things I have lost track of this week that I am never going to catch up and I have let people down and people are going to be angry at me. Narcolepsy it such a nasty condition and for them to retract the statement of it being an autoimmune disease, well they need to come find me. I can honestly say the weeks I sleep more come in cycles and when they do, I always end up sick. I can tell my immune system gets knocked down. I don't know if this is because I don't have spleen but I can definitely tell a difference in my entire body. Any how, here I am today now with a sore throat but awake. Yay for being awake :)

Does anyone else ever go through anything like this?

I’m sorry you have been having such a bad time of it. Glad to see you back and hope you will soon be feeling a little better.