Changing My Life

I woke up this morning talking in my sleep which isn’t unusual. It’s better than waking up crying. I came downstairs and made my coffee, lit the candles on my mother’s altar that reminds me to pray everyday and said the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. “Lord make me an instrument of your peace….” My mother’s favorite prayer. I also have a prayer to St. Dymphna the patron saint of mental illness that I say. It’s good to have rituals to follow to remind me that I am a spiritual being, not a narcoleptic. Hopefully, these rituals will allow me to focus on being my best self while I am here in the physical world. I’m going to try to exercise and do yoga everyday. Wish me luck, because this illness gets in the way many times. I often get ready to exercise by putting on my workout clothes and get that overwhelming feeling of fatigue and just have to lie down. My mantra for today is “Focus.” Like I said, wish me luck. I’ll let you know how it goes.