Tips for getting through important situations

Today started as a bad day. You know, the ones where you can just TELL that you’re going to be fighting sleep all day long. I had a VERY important (like biggest in my career) presentation to give at noon and at 10:40 this morning my head was bobbing and my eyes were crossing… ugh. Not today! Not today of ALL days!

What do YOU do when it’s something that you absolutely CAN NOT miss? Caffeine doesn’t help, walking doesn’t help, jumping up and down, pinching the skin on my thighs or hands doesn’t help… do you have any emergency-only tricks you use? My husband thought caffeine pills would be great. Nothing. Energy drinks? Nothing.

On the bright side - cheers to me - I made it! I was literally so nervous I felt a trickle of sweat run down my spine. I think the fear/anxiety of presenting to 300+ people tricked my brain into thinking I was awake. It lasted about 30 minutes beyond the presentation and of course now I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. LOL. But I made it. :slight_smile:

Cold air and loud music are about all that helps for me. It doesn't sound like that would have helped in the situation you were in. Glad you made it through. Hang in there, Take Care, accidentprone

accidentprone said:

Cold air and loud music are about all that helps for me. It doesn't sound like that would have helped in the situation you were in. Glad you made it through. Hang in there, Take Care, accidentprone

Congratulations on making it through! I wish I had tips or tricks, but you seem to have tried everything…

Yes! You made it! Maybe it was the adrenaline. I’m so glad you succeeded and it must have felt great :slight_smile:
Pinching, jumping, coffee… they’ve kept my face off the table. I can only anticipate when I’ll fade out and plan a nap. Then I just do it! Forty-three minutes, and at some point my brain gets a jump start again.

Thanks all for the responses! I wish there was some sort of epi-pen that would just ensure our awakeness for the next two hours. LOL! You'd think someone would figure out how to accomplish that. :)