Recently diognosed with Type 2 Diabetes? Count it a blessing, but also a wake up call!

Hello All,

First please forgive any spelling, tense, grammar mistakes that I make…neurological issues make it very hard for me to write or even see the mistakes I might make… Some times I can;t ever get a word close enough for “spell check” to help me. I know the words I want to use, but often cannot even begin to get close to the proper spelling. Very frustrating because I enjoyed creative writing and writing poetry…It’s been over 2 years since I written more than one scribbled draft of a story and because of fatigue and the cognitive issues, have not attempted to type or even edit it…

First I was diagnosed with Celiac/Gluten disease. In one year had Bronchitis 2 times and pneumonia 3 time. The second bout with pneumonia I was in the hospital and thought I was going to die it hurt so bad. I had a seizure after I was given morphine and 2 other pain killer… In that one year I was on steroids, I think 9 different times. Not good…

The time I was in the hospital with pneumonia the nurse came in with an injection aka “needle”. I asked her what that was for and she said it’s your insulin shot… I don’t know how I had any sense to even ask because “I was really out of it” - but generally I don’t allow any one to just walk up to me with needles… Every meal time the same situation occurred…and I kept saying “no thank you” get that out of here… No one told me how high my Blood Sugar was and I would not even know what it would mean any how…

When I got out of the hospital during a follow up with my PCP, she told me how high my Blood Sugar was…and offered me a prescription… I love this lady doctor, she understands me and I respect her so:

Thank you Doctor for the offer, (please understand I knew nothing about Diabetes 1 or 2.) - BUT, no thank you. Please tell me “What I have to do” to turn this around???\ If I remember correctly she said: Cardio 3 times a week, complex carbs, lean meat, increase fiber, cut sugar, and increase vegetables…I had already been on a “gluten free diet” so What’s one more change?

I’ll test you again in 6 months. I said no, how about 3 months??? OK, but remember you want to retest in 3 months…

I immediately stopped eating white sugar, increased vegetables to 3 times a day. Kale in my eggs, Lunch: Salad Kale,carrots, protein etc. and the same with dinner. I was turning into a regular Buggs Bunnie! But I was scared - my friends and brothers asked me how I could eat all of that stuff? I told them I just “picture a skeleton in my mind, with a needle chasing me” and I don’t want to go there or do that.

The Cardio? How does a guy with extreme fatigue do cardio 3 times a week? The way the Chinese say, “A Journey of a thousand mile is started”…with One step at a time". I could only walk/hike and the 3 days I did that I could do nothing else for the rest of the day. It would take me a day to recover. At my 3 month test - I got worse!!! My doctor said you have been on Steroids 9 times in a year so that maybe affecting you still. — This is why I love her :slight_smile: She said with a smile - “remember…I suggested a 6 month test?” Yes, I remember that, I just need more time…I’m doing everything that I can. We’ll test you again in another 3 months.

By continuing with all of the above for 6 months I reduced my blood sugar level and was out of the danger zone for T-2! My goal for my Blood Sugar is 4.0 (her PA told me that’s lower than she has!) But I’m a stubborn guy - I really want to do it 4.0 and show them that it can be done…by diet without drugs. That little adventure with T-2 was before I was “officially diagnosed” that I also have Narcolepsy…another autoimmune disease. Life sure is interesting. Well, One down and one up press forward.

If needed, PLEASE - Take the drugs you need. I make choices based on my background and level of risk…I have no one “depending on me”…so I have a little more freedom in my decisions. With one exception: this past year I had 3 motorcycle “incidents” one was not serious the other two brought me back to my doctor’s… One of my friends was driving me home from my doctors appointment…suggested/told me "how about you stay off the motorcycle?, till you and I talk in the spring? Yes, I guess that’s a good idea…now. He was my “driver for the medical appointment” and I passed out in his car on the way home…

What was one of the blessings in all of this? The warning for me “Ranger, listen you need to change some things and you can do this!”.

The next time I saw my Optometrist she told me I had turned around “the serious decline” she saw the previous year in my eyes. Hum???

Everyone needs to find out what works for them and what they can do and what they are willing to do…but don’t beat yourself up about anything. Loving who you are will help you more than being “down” on yourself". There are plenty of people in the world who “are down on us”. Let’s not be one of them. OK?

“Kids”, I didn’t give up my morning coffee with Honey and some other “things” …that might have moved me forward at a faster rate…with the T-2.

Please do what what you can to help yourself and it might just begin with “forks and knives” - What you eat makes a real difference.

I always try to be positive, so I’ll just suggest please stay away “soda”, you know the big “C” or “P” it’s not good for you. If you can’t stay away, reduce and make it “something special” but not all the time :slight_smile:

My brain is now “frying” just writing this, so I’ll have to go. Trying to concentrate on my thoughts eventually leads to a “frying sensation in my head” and I have to quit what ever I’m doing. But I wanted to try to write this tonight…

Be well, and be good to you!


PS: Look for the gift or new talent hidden in your illness. It’s there somewhere. I’m pretty sure for all of us dealing with these things in life that there is something to be thankful for. Perhaps you have a wife, husband or close friend that you can truly share with and they understand you and the things you deal with each day. What a blessing!

Man! You are a great writer and I loved your story~

Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. It's difficult to bare one's soul and tell the truth about everything. I respect you and admire your writing this because it shows me that you want to help others without concern for how it may influence your disability case or how people may judge you.

My husband just bought a supplement that adds the minerals and vitamins we are missing from vegetables that you just mix with water and drink everyday. We both have stopped using sugar in our coffee or tea. Each step brings you closer to a healthier lifestyle.

Narcolepsy --- that's another story --- sleep when you have to, don't fight it, take the medications that do the most good. Don't expect miracles. Use acceptance of the illness to help curb cataplexy and sleep paralysis by meditating and praying.

Love how positive you are. Always enjoy reading your sriting

Thank you for your response. I forgot to mention I also took a Cinnamon supplement to help with the T-2 Diabetes...

Take care,

copingwithnarcolepsy said:

Man! You are a great writer and I loved your story~

Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. It's difficult to bare one's soul and tell the truth about everything. I respect you and admire your writing this because it shows me that you want to help others without concern for how it may influence your disability case or how people may judge you.

My husband just bought a supplement that adds the minerals and vitamins we are missing from vegetables that you just mix with water and drink everyday. We both have stopped using sugar in our coffee or tea. Each step brings you closer to a healthier lifestyle.

Narcolepsy --- that's another story --- sleep when you have to, don't fight it, take the medications that do the most good. Don't expect miracles. Use acceptance of the illness to help curb cataplexy and sleep paralysis by meditating and praying.

Hello Scott,

Thank you, at this point I really need to focus and search for the positive!

I don't want to take a lot of credit for being positive, He helps me live each day. Negativity gets us no where real fast...

There is a quote something like "A merry heart doeth good medicine" Hummm :) Prov. 17:22

Take care,


Scott Orn said:

Love how positive you are. Always enjoy reading your sriting

You're a good man Ranger. Great to be friends with you. :)