Happy Thanksgiving Day!

For those of you across the water in the US and all who celebrate Thanksgiving Day, I hope you have a brilliant day and don’t have to work too hard. In the midst of difficult times let us all acknowledge the good things in our lives.
With very best wishes

Thanks Nel !

The stuffed turkey is in the oven and the house is smelling so good from all the cooking and baking !


United States

Frances it sounds wonderful. Just a regular dull, damp, chilly Thursday here in the UK but not too long till Christmas:))

Thanks Nel, all of my dinner is done thank god and I pray you have an awesome day also; )

I’m thankful for you, Nel, and for all you do to keep up with narcolepsy news and the work you do to keep our group together. And thanks everyone for being so forthcoming and frank about your diagnosis and experience. . I’m dozing off after after a nice Thanksgiving dinner earlier today, happy that the cooking and cleanup is done now. My two sons are in town for the holiday. :slight_smile:
Peace to all.

Thanks Carol. That’s the best part of such celebrations to me, getting to see the family. Not too wide a family mind you.lol

I just had a thought. Do you have turkey again at Christmas?