Problems with memory and focus

I have narcolepsy and sleep apnea requiring cpap at night. I currently take Provigil 200mg twice a day.Recently I have started having problems focusing and retaining information. I've been on same job for 15 years and done ok but now learn something today,forget it by tomorrow .Never had this issue before so I'm wondering if anyone else have this issue or if there's a medicine I can add to my help. If I don't work,my son and I don't eat so I've got to do something

I have the same problem. Short term memory shot. I retain things long term but can’t remember what I did two minutes ago. I also am tired in GA. I take Nuvigil which is helping in spurts with focus. The only time I seem to be productive is when I am under a deadline and the adrenaline is pumping.

I’ve got narcolepsy and sleep apnea too. How long have you been on the Provigil?

I've been on Provigil for 8 years. started off with 200mg once a day now 400mg twice a day..also been on Dexedrine and Ritalin. All Dexedrine and Ritalin did was dilate my eyes and increase my heart rate. I have found little things that help me stay awake such as chia tea and green tea also drink lots of water. Nothing helps with my focus..

TiredinGA, it must make you nervous to suddenly have trouble, and I’m really sorry it’s happening.
People are complicated sometimes, I don’t know about you. I have a few things going on with me that doctors might forget so in a difficult time I have to remember to take many things into consideration, write it down, and make sure I tell them what’s going on and if they think it relates to another condition.
In my experience, things that relate to memory and focus problems are:
Poor sleep or not enough (meds, C-PAP adjustment)
Being overwhelmed or overextended
Medication (too much, not enough)
Getting really disorganized

Getting really disorganized is sometimes a symptom, sometimes the problem for me. When my ducks aren’t in a row I don’t mind, but I also can’t be efficient enough and then get overwhelmed.

If I rule out or have managed all these things, then I know something unfamiliar is happening and ask for a doctors help. And if some things have become unmanageable for me I have to ask for help with that, too. I can’t wait too long: if the symptoms are present I trouble-shoot as best I can but get the doctors involvement soon so I don’t get worse. You will find a solution.