Hi everyone, just wanted to thank you all for being so supportive! I apologize for the long post but here it goes....
A couple of weeks ago during my MSLT 4 out of the 5 naps were interrupted by either testing of the fire alarms or construction work. I would literally be on the verge of falling asleep and something would happen to jar me wide awake. I felt like I didn't sleep on any of the naps except the last one. However, I later found out I slept on all of them. Anyway, my neuro dx me with Idiopathic hypersonmia he said that I am not narcoleptic. When I am exhausted I have trouble with my muscles and I always attributed it to my "sleep disorder". He informed me that it isn't because of a sleep disorder and wants to do a bunch of expensive tests like an MRI to test for MS. I feel like this is unnecessary because on the days that I feel "less tired" my muscles feel better. In addition, if I get scared or nervous they feel like jelly, just like I've heard those with N describe.
Anyway, when I mentioned redoing the sleep test my dr got really defensive and told me that it wouldn't make a difference because both of these disorders are treated the same way. But for me it does make a difference. I want to know the truth! Should I push him to do the test again or would N show up even if I slept for a brief period before the interruptions happened?
Arowland, I’ve been watching some videos on YouTube about narcolepsy, and I think one of them said the doctors look for whether or not you go into REM during the naps. Would interruptions throw that off? I suppose you could ask to have a second opinion based on the results you have and that you think your sleep was interrupted. I don’t know about patients rights, but a second opinion might be one. It’s an awkward situation, for sure. Is your doctor a sleep specialist? I’m wondering why the same doctor would be testing you for MS. At my hospital those are in two different departments.
He is a neurologist. He said I didn’t go into REM but how was I suppose to in a strange place with that noise. It was so loud. It sounded like the ceiling was going to come down lol.
Son flunked 4 sleep test no rem. MS and Narcolepsy are not treated the same way. Are you able to find out what type of experience this Dr has for sleep disorders. Second option.third *, if I get scared or nervous they feel like jelly, just like I've heard those with N describe*. Have you checked out cataplexy. There are different levels of narcolepsy and different levels of cataplexy. Son saw a neurologist whos suppose to know about narcolepsy but all she did was to test him for seizures after second visit she said there was nothing wrong with him and to see a shrink