Did anyone see this ad? Shockingly stupid poking fun at a medical condition. Have they learnt nothing?


Hopefully something good will come out of this sophomoric bit of insensitivity. Honda's retraction of the ad getting media attention may help raise awareness that narcolepsy is a serious condition. You really have to wonder about the execs who thought this ad was a good idea initially, though.

I didn't see it but in my wildest dreams I can't imagine that anyone would refer to a medical condition for a car ad. What were they thinking?


Yes, I did see this commercial. It sure wouldn't make me buy a Honda even if I didn't have narcolepsy, but I definitely won't buy one now. It just makes it worse to add to the misconceptions that the media already has. People are trying so hard to spread awareness and then you have this well know car company airing an ignorant ad like this and brainwashing the minds of millions of people who are still not familiar with this disorder. I was one of the people that signed the petition and thankfully the ad was removed from tv. It's very aggravating and makes me angry to see this when all of us with narcolepsy are struggling daily. Honda really has no clue the fight that some of us go through day in and day out. The people that make fun of it probably couldn't handle what we go through for even one day.

I often get hot under the collar about astonishingly patronising commercials aimed at elderly people and especially elderly females but I have never even heard of an ad like the Honda one which I don’t think ever got an airing in the UK.

As Dancermom says, the reaction and retraction will at least make more people aware of the fact that narcolepsy is a serious condition.

When I hear this kind of thing, and I include here TV programmes which purport to show real life but in fact hold vulnerable people up for ridicule, I imagine these smart alec youngsters in their upmarket offices brainstorming these features with no knowledge or understanding of the real world and no empathy for anyone less fortunate than themselves.

Just one of my particular hobby horses.

This story will run for a while


And see Julie Flygare’s petition to get Honda to remove their ad altogether


It took lots of people to make and approve this ad. Smells like discrimination on basis of disability… Not a joke. Thanks for posting. I signed the petition.

I never got to see the video. Unfortunately it was pulled completely before I could view it. However, for your reading pleasure, here is Honda's apology.....

“In a series of ads for the 2015 Honda Fit, the company attempted to demonstrate how the Fit answers the needs of the customer in a very direct, yet humorous way. One ad in particular addressed narcolepsy in a manner that is insensitive. We have heard from those with the disorder and understand their concerns with our positioning of narcolepsy within the ad.

“To that end, Honda has pulled the ad from its YouTube channel and will not air the ‘Synth in Seattleites’ ad with any reference to narcolepsy on television. We apologize to those who are living with and managing this disorder each day. Please know that Honda did not intend to hurt those affected by the condition.”

Oh well I suppose a few more people got educated on what narcolepsy is and I hope someone got his/her knuckles rapped and will be more sensitive next time.

Bad campaign strategy for Honda,.. way too rude and discriminating :-( it should be deleted..

Something *very* good has come of it! Honda has committed to producing and airing (at their expense) a public service announcement about narcolepsy! They are consulting with the Narcolepsy Network about content, and the PSA will feature Julie Flygare, narcolepsy superstar.

dancermom said:

Hopefully something good will come out of this sophomoric bit of insensitivity. Honda's retraction of the ad getting media attention may help raise awareness that narcolepsy is a serious condition. You really have to wonder about the execs who thought this ad was a good idea initially, though.

That's great, pwntek. Thanks for the update!

Good news to wake up to this morning! They say any publicity is good publicity but this is excellent!

dancermom said:

That’s great, pwntek. Thanks for the update!

That’s excellent! Very good news!

When the PSA comes out could you please post it on here as I don’t suppose we will see in it the UK.