Who The Heck Is Cindy?

Hello All!

Where to begin....Let me start from 2007 Just kidding, lets go back farther. When I was an adolescent, I was ALWAYS tired. I was diagnosed with depression in my teen years. I constantly told my doctor "these meds make me sleepy." Constantly. She ordered thyroid tests and blood tests...no answers.

I started college in 2002. Due to the depression and the demons I faced as an adolescent, I started college with the goal of someday getting licensed and going into private practice. I graduated with my B.S. in Psych in 2006. Three weeks after I graduated with my bachelors....I headed straight to grad school. I worked full time and took evening classes in grad school. Oh yes, I was getting my master's in Professional Counseling. I worked at a job where I was on the phone ALL day helping people fill out paperwork who were filing for social security disability. For the most part, I enjoyed the job but I would get so tired throughout the day. Weather permitting, I would go to my car and nap during lunch. I could fall asleep anywhere! Somewhere in there one of my doctors suggested a sleep study. In 2007, I had a sleep study. I had a sleep latency of 7 minutes. I was put on Provigil and life was good! I was working from 7:00a-4:00[ and then headed to class. No problemo! For a period of time, I even hit the gym before work! I was on a role. I graduated with my master's in Professional Counseling in December 2009. What a GLORIOUS day that was for me. Between '07 and present day...I got married to the most wonderful husband in the entire world. So supportive of me. My narcolepsy and depression has been up and down. I have been working on my hours to be able to sit for licensure. During all this time, my weight has fulxuated a lot as well....BIG problem for me. I worked as a counselor in a Sexual Assault Victim's Care Unit. I counseled children and teens who were victims of sexual assault. I had the WORST time functioning. When my boss wasn't around, I would sleep on my couch. It was awful. I used to workout for 2 hours at 5:00a and then head to work. I have yet to work out in 2012. I am SURE that is a contributing factor. So now...as in present day. I passed my first licensing test which makes me a Licensed Professional Counselor...that test was a demon!! But that is another blog! I am working part time at the same agency but different position because I couldn't work (and have empathy) and study for these huge tests. I had a second sleep study a few months ago. My sleep latency of 9 minutes. I go straight to REM. I DO NOT fall asleep anywhere. But again, the excessive day time sleepiness is killer. When I need to get something done, I take 60 mg of Adderall. 30mg is like a tic tac. My doctors know this. So now it is a waiting game until my followup appointment in a few weeks. So, here I am! I NEVER leave the house because we are living off my husband's income which incredibly difficult. My doctor said when we decide to have children, I won't be able to work....that is always in the back of my mind. Again, another post...So, here I am! I am an avid blogger outside of here. This is the first time I have ever joined anything like this. I am trying to be proactive in life!!

Take Care,


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