Results from Ben's Friends Survey

Hi everyone, you'll recall that a couple of months ago, we asked all the Members of Ben's Friends to fill out a short survey about how Ben's Friends helps you. The survey was put together by a prestigious non profit consulting group called Bridgespan Consulting.

We were thrilled that 1,275 members took the survey. The results are below. For approximately 75% of you, the Ben's Friends Community has a positive impact on your health and how you approach treatment. These numbers are sky high and we couldn't be more proud.

A lot of the credit goes to the volunteer moderators who manage the communities and keep them a positive and productive place. Thank you Moderators!

We have used this data in some Non Profit Grant Applications and the people giving out the grants are super impressed. We plan to run the same survey again next year and we hope to break the 80% level. In the meantime, tell us what we can do to make the communities better and we'll make it happen.

Thanks again to everyone who filled out the survey and to everyone who comes here to make the world a better place for their fellow members.

Scott Orn

Co-Founder of Ben's Friends

Great results. I know Ben’s Friends made a huge impact on my awareness and ability to manage my condition.
