I thought being diagnosed with a problem finally would make me happier. As of right now things do not look like they will be getting better anytime soon with my Narcolepsy. I believe that I’m in the grief stage at this time, and I am almost wishing I never would have known. Although it is not a death sentence, I know my life will never be “normal” and this problem will never go away. I’ve always struggled with depression but at this point in time I feel it is worse than ever. I want to have a ton of energy, like normal people my age. Losing weight seems to be harder than ever and since last June I have gained 20 pounds. Weight is a big concern on my mind with this disorder now. Two years ago I had a breast reduction and I feel like it has reversed itself, and I’m back at square one. Did any of you worry about your weight? Did it get better with the medication? I’m hoping once I feel rested (if I do), that I will have more energy to exercise again.
I feel exactly the same as you do. I also am going through the grieving process! While I am delighted to finally find out it is a condition & not all in my head, I had hoped whatever was wrong with me would be easily fixed… But that’s certainly not the case. I feel like I am grieving the loss of what I thought my life would be when my problem was fixed. It is scary and hard to take but I suppose we just have to try to deal with it go through that grieving process and try to adapt & move on. I also had problems losing weight. Although I wasn’t heavily overweight I have found since I have gone on medication I have lost nearly 2 stone. I struggle daily with the gravity of the diagnosis but I’m sure it will get better